Looking to Buy Used Cisco Equipment?

The Process Is Easy
Contact us with your Requested Part Numbers
Simply complete our Request for Quote Form OR send an email to: sales@webuyciscoswitches.com with a detailed description of what you are looking to purchase. Be sure to include part or model numbers, descriptions, quantities and condition you are looking for. It’s also a good idea to let us know the time frame of when you will need the items to arrive at your facility. We will reply as soon as possible with a formal quote, usually within the hour, always within 48 hours.
Send Us a Purchase Order
Once you have decided to purchase from us, you will need to send us a Purchase Order. Please send all Purchase Orders to sales@webuyciscoswitches.com. Once a PO is received, we will get to work on getting your order shipped out to you. Please remember to specify when you need the equipment to be delivered to your facility.
Ship for FREE
Once we receive your Purchase Order we will get your order processed as soon as possible. As a curtsey to our customers, webuyciscoswitches.com offers free shipping on all orders under 75lbs.